Precision filter (also known as security filter) is a type ofequipment thatuses filter cartridges to pass the original liquid through the filter materi-al under pressure. The filter residue is retained on the tube wall, whilethe filtrate passes through the filter cartridge to achieve the purpose offiltration. The series of precision filters produced by Longantai Compa-ny are a type offiltration between sand filtration (coarse filtration) andultrafiltration, with a filtration pore size generally ranging from 0.1 to120 um, lt is used for solid-liquid separation ofvarious water bodies, re.movingtiny suspended solids in water treatment, and precision remov-al of suspended solids before membrane treatment of water, amongother applications.
UF, NF, and RO membranes are the most commonly used membranes in the field of water treatment.
UF filtration has a precision range of0.01-0.1um and can remove harmfulsubstances such as rust, sediment, suspended solidscolloids, bacteria, and large molecular organic compounds from water, The water recovery rate can reach over 95%, and it canbe easily rinsed and backwashed, with less risk of clogging and a relatively long service life. UF requires low pressure, has a largeflow rate, and is cost-effective to use.
NF filtration has a precision range of 1-10nm, which falls between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. it has a lower desalinationrate compared to reverse osmosis and acts as a functional semi-permeable membrane that allows solvent molecules, certainow molecular weight solutes, or low-valence ions to pass through. Nanofiltration is typically used to remove large organic molecules, colorants, hardness, and highly dissolved salts.
RO (Reverse Osmosis) membranes are artificial semi-permeable membranes with specific characteristics, mimicking the properties of bio.logical semi-permeable membranes. They have a filtration precision of0.1nm. The principle ofreverse osmosis technology is to separate substances from water based on their inability to pass through a semi-permeable membrane under pressures higher than the osmotic pressureofthe solution. The membrane pores ofreverse osmosis are extremelysmall, allowing them to effectively remove dissolved salts, colloids, microorganisms, organic substances, and otherimpurities from water.
"Pressure resistant, watertight"

Application Areas